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Pubblicata su SIMAP una news sulla run di agosto, annunciata per il 4 del mese:

New Workunits: The calculation of similarities and features of the new sequences, that were imported from the databases PDB, RefSeq and Uniprot in july 2008, will start in the evening (UTC) of next monday, august 4th. Additional workunits will contain sequences from approx. 100 new environmental sequencing projects. With the new calculation period we will limit the number of workunits in progress to max. 30 per CPU, in order to distribute the work more homogeneously. We hope this limitation will work properly, for feedback and reporting problems with it, please use our message boards

Questa run vedrà quindi anche l'implementazione di un limite di 30 WU per CPU (non è chiaro se intendano proprio CPU oppure Core) per meglio distribuire il lavoro, un po' come succede su LHC.

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